Make the Change

A framework for sustainability education

make the change graphic

What is ‘Make the Change’?

Make the Change: A Framework for Education and Engagement for Sustainability 2014-2021 is a framework that provides a unified, coordinated and collaborative approach to sustainability education and engagement across NSW. It was developed by EE NSW in partnership with NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH).

Based on international best practice research and extensive stakeholder consultation, Make the Change (MtC) defines the shared vision, principles and goals that will support sustainability education and engagement providers from all sectors to shape effective action into the future.

How do I use ‘Make the Change’?

  • Get direction and guidance when developing and reviewing your strategies, policies, plans and projects (eg: use the terminology and goals outlined in MtC to align your projects with state-wide best practice)
  • Collaborate with and learn from others using MtC to improve your programs and their outcomes through participation in your Regional Sustainability Educators Network
  • Use MtC as a reference document when applying for funding
  • Use MtC to help validate your sustainability initiatives within your organisation

      See our MtC Sector Guides for tips on using MtC in your sector.

What can I do right now?


More information

The NSW Chapter of the Australian Association for Environmental Education (AAEE NSW) partnered with the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) to develop an Education for Sustainability vision, agenda and advisory process for NSW called Make the Change: A framework for education and engagement for environmental sustainability 2014-2021 (hereafter called the ‘Framework’).

This Framework potentially replaces the former Council for Environmental Education and the 2007-2010 Learning for Sustainability Plan. It establishes a new way forward for EfS in NSW and provides a framework that recognises regional, rural and urban issues and works within principles and practices important for the present and beyond. Development of the Framework relied on research and an extensive consultation process. 

The following key research outputs are available to download:

  • Brown P (2012), Sustainability Education and Engagement for NSW: Learning for Sustainability, Research Synthesis, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney.
  • Fein J (2012), Governance and Education for Sustainable Development – An analysis and synthesis of governance and related frameworks, policies and strategies in Education for Sustainable development across five jurisdictions: England, the Netherlands, Germany, Ontario and Victoria, Final Report for NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney.
  • Ipsos Social Research Institute (2011), Sustainability Education and Engagement in NSW: 2011 Online Survey Report, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney.