Working groups

Are you passionate about a particular area of environmental education in NSW? We’d love your input. 

ideas workshop at table women working together

Working Groups

EE NSW is thankful for the volunteers who contribute their time to grow and strengthen our Association.

We have several volunteer working groups that work on a variety of tasks and make recommendations to the Executive. Each group is outlined below.

Members are welcome to join one or more working groups – we welcome your input! To express interest in joining a group, please contact us

Conference working group  – oversees all aspects of the NSW Environmental Education conference.

Events working group  – supports opportunities for members to meet and network socially, through Green Ed Drinks, and by supporting other events as opportunities present themselves, including partnering with existing green drinks groups to incorporate an education focus.

Local Government working group – works with the Local Government sector to support and promote environmental and sustainability education provided by NSW councils. This includes promoting opportunities for professional development of NSW local government practitioners, and providing them with environmental and sustainability education networking and collaborating opportunities.

Recognition working group – highlights outstanding contributions in the field of environmental education and makes recommendations for Award recipients overseeing our Gould League Scholarship and NSW Environmental Educator of the Year Awards.

Research working group  –  keeps a watching brief on recently released research and informs members about this research via the EE NSW website and newsletter

Schools working group – works with the education sector to support and promote environmental and sustainability education in NSW schools. This includes promoting opportunities for professional development of NSW teachers, and ensuring that environmental and sustainability education is represented and resourced within the NSW Curriculum.