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Contract Position Available – AAEE NSW Project Officer

Position Description: Project Officer

Contract value: $50 per hour; 11 hours/week; 46 weeks per year ($25,300)

Time frame:  12 months from start date and renewable

Location: Anywhere in NSW, from home office

AAEE NSW is a not for profit member based organisation and is the NSW Chapter of the peak body for environmental educators AAEE. AAEE NSW supports education and engagement for sustainability in NSW in keeping with the three major roles of AAEE:

  • promoting the most extensive and effective use of education and engagement to help people live more sustainably and protect and enhance the local environment
  • supporting its members and others in the sector via professional development, and
  • building greater strength in local networks that facilitate collaboration and skill sharing.

AAEE NSW is managed through its Strategic Plan 2018 to 2021. AAEE NSW is:

  • the NSW professional association representing those with a passion for education for sustainability (EfS), both in paid and voluntary capacities, from all sectors and industries;
  • part of a national organisation that represents environmental and sustainability educators across Australia. Our activities complement and extend what is being done nationally;
  • responsible for providing high quality EfS services to members in New South Wales including our biennial state conference, grant projects, awards, scholarships and the revitalisation of the Sustainable Schools NSW program;
  • a not-for-profit, incorporated, member-based, non-government organisation that is guided by our vision, mission, core principles and strategic priorities; and
  • committed to promoting and using Make the Change: A Framework for education and engagement for environmental sustainability 2014- 2021 to help achieve this Strategic Plan.

AAEE NSW is governed by a voluntary Executive who manage the Association’s core functions and a number of projects. These currently include a biannual conference; grant funded professional learning projects; regional NSW networks; Conversations (a bi-annual magazine); a quarterly e-newsletter; a Facebook page and the Sustainable Schools NSW program. Significant communications and lobbying activity is also undertaken by AAEE NSW and the Project Officer has a significant role in this process. Our current financial model involves the employment of contractors to deliver these projects and services, when funding can be obtained. See for more information about the Association’s activities.

We are looking for an enthusiastic person with broad communications experience and an interest and significant experience in education for sustainability/environmental education to work with the Executive to grow our organisation and its services to members and others in our sector.

About the position.

The Project Officer would be required to:

A. Manage and deliver the organisation’s communications activities [with support from volunteers, as appropriate]:

  • Manage and source content for the AAEE NSW website and social media and upload material often so that AAEE NSW has a significant social media presence
  • Draft and distribute the quarterly AAEE NSW e-news, including seeking input and updates from the Executive
  • Design and layout the magazine Conversations ready for online publication, working closely with the editor
  • Promote professional learning and other activities organised byAAEE NSW.

B. Manage membership issues with support from the President and National Liaison member of the Executive.

  • Manage member communications via email and an Excel member database and liaise with the national body re membership issues, including promotion and renewals.

C. Provide significant assistance in major project work by:

  • Establishing and coordinating regular communications with other contractors working for AAEE NSW with a view to sharing expertise and coordinating activities, as appropriate
  • Assisting with funding applications, reports and other formal writtendocuments
  • Assisting in the delivery of major projects of theAssociation.

D. Strongly support the elected, volunteer Treasurer in managing accounting systems and reports by:

  • Monitoring AAEE NSW’s growing financial resources, ensuring the paid accountant’s records are kept in a way which allows us to report on the acquittal of grants
  • Assisting in the development of reports as negotiated
  • Providing a Financial Report on each cost centre to Executive for the Treasurer to deliver to Executive every two months
  • Ensuring legal reporting obligations are met. For example GST Reporting and Annual report provided to Fair Trading.
  • Helping manage the organisation’s online banking.

The Project Officer reports to the President [or a nominated member of the Executive] for all activities. With respect to activities in D above the Project Officer also reports to the Treasurer. The Project Officer will work from home in a self-directed, flexible and effective manner as a self-employed contractor. A written work in progress report will be provided to each Executive meeting [currently 2 monthly]. The attendance of the Project Officer at each Executive meeting is desirable and may be required at times – these meetings are online and generally held on weekday evenings.

Selection Criteria for this position are:

  1. Excellent writing skills with demonstrated experience in creating onlinecontent and reports
  2. Experience in managing, organising and sourcing content for a website, social media and other communications and member activities
  3. office software including Excel [Note AAEE NSW uses XERO online accounting software]
  4. Capacity, willingness and skill to undertake each key aspect of the role of the Project Officer position [outlined above]
  5. Knowledge and demonstrated understanding of environmental education/ education for sustainability inNSW. Note being a member of AAEE is highly desirable and in the first stage of the recruitment process, applications will only be sought from members.
  6. Understanding of the role of professional associations, and experience in working with avoluntary organisation
  7. Capacity to work independently from a home as a self employed contractor, including an ABN, Worker’s Compensation Insurance [as appropriate] and Public Liability Insurance.

Payment will be monthly on receipt of an invoice to the Treasurer. This will include a brief emailed report of activities undertaken during that month.

Applicants should submit a CV, and response to the selection criteria (max 3 pages and including two referees), by email to the President by 5pm on September 14th 2018. Recruitment will occur prior to the end of September 2018.

For further information contact Grahame Collier on 0419 148 551 or [email protected].

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