AAEE NSW has been successful in obtaining funding from the NSW Environmental Trust (Environmental Education grants program) to deliver the Best practice sustainability education & engagement for NSW 2017/ED/0005 Project.
AAEE NSW is seeking a highly motivated contractor to develop and deliver the Take Me Outside (TMO) component of this project. This component sits alongside and complements the work being undertaken in the capacity building component of this grant. Work in capacity building will be managed by a separate contractor for AAEE NSW.
About the Role and What is Required
The project will improve the environment in the identified locations where Take Me Outside initiatives will be held.
The stated objective of this component of the Grant project is:
Over 100 school and/or community groups have undertaken Take Me Outside activities with a total of over 5,000 participants actively improving the natural places they have adopted.
The approved Monitoring & Evaluation Plan (M&E Plan) for the project identifies the major activities that will be the responsibility of this contractor:
- Design TMO program in collaboration with Stakeholder Reference Group (including representatives from OEH, NPWS, DET, EZECs, Local Government NSW, Local Government, University, NCC and RSENs). Note, the Project Manager and the Project Management Group for this project will have input and will sign off on the design of the program.
- Develop TMO program resources (including website, ‘how to’ guide, policies, guidelines and templates) and four TMO case studies.
- Promote TMO to all stakeholder groups and individual environmental educators, and provide info/training sessions at 12 workshops across NSW (workshops organised by the Capacity Building contractor for this part of the program).
- Sign up schools and community groups to participate in the program.
- Support schools and community groups in planning and implementing TMO activities, collecting data and undertaking review to drive continuous improvement. The data collected will form a significant part of the evaluation of the program.
Note: in undertaking this role AAEE NSW sees the following considerations as important:
- The program needs to be set up in close collaboration with Sustainable Schools NSW (managed by AAEE NSW) and with the Environmental and Zoo Education Centre within the Department of Education. In saying this, the program must stretch beyond the government school network.
- Given that it also has a community focus, strong liaison with the Nature Conservation Council, its member groups and other peak and local community groups is important.
- The program needs to be established in a manner that is as far as possible, self sustaining after the completion of the grant.
- AAEE NSW has an agreement with Take Me Outside Canada and work in our program needs to broadly reflect the original Canadian project.
- Take Me Outside is potentially a significant branding device. Extending the visibility of this brand and extending the number and depth of Take Me outside activities is important in schools and in the community
In undertaking this work the Take Me Outside Contractor will:
- Undertake day-to-day project coordination and administration, including working closely with the Capacity Building project contractor during year 1.
- Report to the AAEE NSW volunteer Project Manager, Karen Paroissien, who will oversee your work and convene and work with the Project Management Group (including representatives from OEH, DET, EZEC, Green Schools Networks, the NRM sector and Regional Sustainability Education Network groups).
- Through Karen and the Project Management Group, regularly report to AAEE NSW Executive.
- Work with the AAEE NSW Project Officer to ensure broad marketing of the program and to keep AAEE members and relevant other stakeholders informed about the project.
- Support participants in their delivery and reporting of TMO initiatives.
- Seek recognition as a NESA Accredited PD provider for any workshops that are to be delivered. This will enable NSW teachers who attend to claim accreditation points.
Conditions of this Contract
This contract will run from 1st October 2018 to March 31st 2020. There is a possibility of an extension beyond that date for up to another 9 months, probably at reduced hours. This will be negotiated prior to March 2020.
The contractor will not work over the Christmas period and so a five week period each Christmas will be conserved as leave.
Hence the number of working weeks will be:
- 21 weeks in the period from October 1st 2018 to March 31st 2019; and
- 47 weeks in the period April 1st 2019 to March 31st 2020.
Based on 8 hours per week, worked as negotiated with the successful applicant and at $45/hour, a total budget of $24,480 is available to reimburse this contractor. This amount includes office costs such as phone/internet etc, but travel costs will be separately reimbursed where approved in advance by the Project Manager. Four weekly invoices must be provided to the Treasurer of AAEE NSW for payment.
Apart from funding, any other aspects of the contract including when work hours are spread across the week, are negotiable at the time of appointment.
Selection Criteria
- Significant project management experience in sustainability education and engagement. A proven track record in managing projects on time, on budget and so that agreed milestones are met.
- Capacity to work to a voluntary management group and Project Manager in a professional association.
- An understanding of school systems and structures and how best to connect with and work effectively with schools and teachers. Similarly an understanding of how to work effectively with community organisations is essential.
- A demonstrated commitment to work in the nature resource management [NRM] area.
- The personal and professional skills required to drive this program forward.
- Membership of AAEE is highly desirable.*
- Current or previous involvement in a Regional Sustainability Educators Network/Teacher Education Network or similar group.
- Experience in providing support and/or mentoring services to a diverse group of stakeholders.
- An understanding of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accreditation system.
For questions about the position, contact Grahame Collier on 0419148551 or email: [email protected]
Expressions of interest must be submitted by 5pm on Friday 29th June 2018 to [email protected]. Late EOIs will not be accepted.
Recruitment will be managed by Karen Paroissien in early July with an anticipated start date of October 1st 2019.
Expression of interest submissions must include:
- Response to the essential and desirable selection criteria (maximum 3 pages);
- Detailed curriculum vitae;
- Name and current contact details for three referees who can attest to relevant experience; and
- A cover letter.
Thank you for your interest.
*In the first instance this EOI will only be distributed to AAEE members in NSW, as a short list. This approach will only be widened if no suitable applicant emerges.