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Early bird registration extended and program announced!

2019 NSW Environmental Education Conference

ActiveNature: Learning, Citizenship and Activism for Sustainability, 2-5 October, Kirrawee

Early bird registration has been extended for one week only! Check out our terrific conference program at to see the great event we have lined up. We have over 60 presenters contributing to a jam-packed three days of learning, workshops, networking, field trips, inspiration and fun.

Don’t miss your last chance to register at reduced rates. Early bird registration 20% discount ends Sunday 1 September. There is also a 25% discount (up to $105!) for members of AAEE and teachers registered with Sustainable Schools NSW – if you’re not a member yet then now is the time! There is also a 50% discount for students under 18.

About ActiveNature

Presented by the Australian Association for Environmental Education NSW Chapter (AAEE NSW) and the Sutherland Shire Environment Centre, the 34th NSW Environmental Education Conference, ActiveNature, is the premier opportunity in 2019 for environmental and sustainability educators from across the country to network and explore how our education work can tap into and support responsible citizenship and a sense of activism, while sharing projects, ideas and inspiration.

Our field of work recognises that, hand in hand with education, active citizenship is a crucial tool in shaping a sustainable world. This conference provides examples and inspiration to link learning, citizenship and activism to help create a world worth living in!

While each day of the conference will have something for everyone, there will be concentrated opportunities for youth and students on Thursday, and Early Childhood educators on Saturday. Check out the full program to see what we have on offer!

There’s still time to partner with us as a sponsor or exhibitor too – check out our Partnership and Sponsorship Prospectus for more information.

Registered already? Share on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter so your colleagues can too!

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