Environmental education has an important history and legacy in NSW. Thankfully, there are dedicated educators who take the time to document and share that history for us all to reflect on and learn from.
Lifetime AAEE member and influential figure in environmental education in Australia, David Tribe, has written a new book A History of Environmental Education in New South Wales Schools (1960s-1990s) to do just this. In this easy-to-read e-book he documents the history of the Gould League in NSW, the establishment of our Environmental Education Centres and provides great reflections on the evolution of environmental education in NSW over 4 decades.
You can purchase A History of Environmental Education in New South Wales Schools (1960s-1990s) for Kindle at https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B08GQTQ2PC/
Want to read more environmental education history?
Some Aspects of Nature Conservation in New South Wales during the 1950s and 1960s by Allen A Strom
This book is a must-read for anyone who wishes to know how to make environmental change for the better, particularly through government. Told by Allen Strom, Chief Guardian of Fauna for 10 years and a leading conservationist in Australia, the book describes his trials and tribulations in nature conservation, particularly when dealing with politicians and the machinations of bureaucracy. It also demonstrates what can be done to make change on a shoe-string budget, with few staff, but plenty of will and passion. It’s a steal at $5.99 and all proceeds go to AAEE NSW.
Chief Guardian: The Life and Times of Allen Strom by Allen Fox and Neil Dufty
Launched online in November 2016, this e-book details the life and times of Allen Strom, an iconic figure in the early days of environmental education in NSW. He was a teacher,an education officer at the Australian Museum, and instrumental in setting up the National Parks Association. Allen was also heavily involved in setting up national parks on the Central Coast and was a pivotal early member of the Nature Conservation Council. For ten years he was the Chief Guardian of Fauna on the Fauna Protection Panel, before the NPWS was established.
The e-book was originally written by Allan Fox, a contemporary and friend of ‘Stromies’, however it was not completed prior to Allan Fox’s death in 2010. Most people thought it was lost. But the ‘gang of five’ – long-term AAEE members Kevin McDonald, Syd Smith, Ken Schaefer, David Tribe and Neil Dufty – found the manuscript, reworked it and had it published on Kindle. It is a great read about a wonderful man – a man who was central to establishing structures, principles and processes that have continued to this day.