AAEE NSW is excited to announce it has been awarded funding from the NSW Environmental Trust to carry out the ‘Best Practice Sustainability Education & Engagement for NSW’ project over the next 3 years from April 2018.
This exciting new 3-year project will increase the capacity of NSW-based environmental educators through a series of twelve skills development workshops on best practice sustainability education & engagement. It will also provide the support, tools and resource links that educators need to deliver more effective projects and maximise on-ground environmental benefits.
In phase 2 of the project, ‘Take Me Outside’ (TMO) initiatives will be rolled out around NSW by educators as they put best practice methods into practice in local on-ground projects with schools, preschools, community groups government and businesses. TMO projects will translate into significant measurable environmental benefits and case studies, while helping provide all-important opportunities for reconnecting adults and children with the natural environment.