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Reflections on the 2022 NSW Environmental Education Conference – by Jane Grebert

I am honoured to have received the Grahame Collier Regional Mentor Scholarship to attend the
35th NSW Environmental Education Conference 2022 in Ourimbah. Although I did not know
Grahame personally, I could feel the impact and legacy he left on the environmental education
community by the way in which he was referred to, whilst being recognised for this scholarship
at the conference dinner.

I found attending this conference to be inspiring, stimulating and nourishing. Through the variety
and quality of the workshops and presentations to the discussions and connections made
through face to face conversations. It was particularly exciting meeting and talking to
professional colleagues who I had otherwise only known or seen virtually.

Particular highlights were being able to support my university student daughter to attend for half a day, listening to and meeting Costa, and feeling empowered to go forth by Erica’s plenary session regarding the current climate emergency. I feel inspired to work on regeneration in our country and world,
stronger through the connections strengthened and made. Another key message I felt was the
importance to nurture ourselves and do the inner work necessary so we have the fortitude for
these challenging times.

I was proud to represent CEL (Centre for Ecological Learning) at the conference, co-presenting
the workshop about becoming a nature mentor by wilding yourself, and being fortunate enough
to utilise a break in the rain to be outside in the beautiful outside space at the Ourimbah campus
for this. Also, it was an absolute honour to see my long term colleague, mentor and friend Lisa
Siegel receive the recognition she deserves and be named 2021 overall Environmental Educator
of the Year award for her outstanding dedication and contribution to guiding so many people
(including myself) in recognition of ourselves as nature.

Thank you Lisa, EENSW and Grahame Collier for your support to be at this conference.

Jane Grebert

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