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RFQ – Take Me Outside NSW Project Coordination

AAEE NSW is seeking a highly motivated and experienced independent contractor to coordinate delivery of Take Me Outside NSW, starting as soon practical upon contractor selection, until March 31st 2020, with the possibility of extension. It is expected that in the vicinity of 16 hours per fortnight will be required to effectively deliver this contract.

Download the Take Me Outside NSW Project Coordination RFQ

Take Me Outside NSW aims to get kids across NSW playing and learning outdoors, connecting with nature and gaining knowledge about their environment through hands-on projects. These projects can take place on their school grounds or in a local park, community garden, bushland reserve, creek, river or beach.

Take Me Outside NSW offers a FREE ‘one-stop shop’ for teachers and educators to plan, deliver and evaluate their long-term, outdoor, environmental project. Community groups, state government, local councils and non-government organisations are also invited to pledge their support to help schools participate in Take Me Outside NSW projects.

Responses are due 5pm Friday 11th October. All responses must include:

For further information please contact Jem Hansen, AAEE NSW Executive Officer, on 0401 864 707.

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