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Sustainability Connect – get your listing ready now!

We are excited to announce the release of Sustainability Connect, our online directory of sustainability education products and service providers!

Sustainability Connect was created from the desire to create stronger connections between professionals providing quality environmental education, and those seeking support to make their education programs happen.

At AAEE NSW and Sustainable Schools NSW we are regularly contacted by people looking for support for their programs: be it a skilled educator, researcher, motivational speaker or even the best compost bin to use in their school. We are also approached by passionate environmental educators, wanting to get their message out to the NSW community. Sustainability Connect is simple and effective tool to make those connections happen. 

Sustainability Connect offers an affordable and effective platform to promote your environmental products, services, and expertise.

We now invite the sustainability education community of NSW to be part of this new initiative, and register with Sustainability Connect. Creating your business listing is easy, it looks great, and the monthly or annual subscription fee is small. Funds generated through Sustainability Connect registrations will support the ongoing work of AAEE NSW and the sustainability education community through advocacy, networks and professional development.

Would you also support us to help us build these connections? Please let your networks know about Sustainability Connect and encourage them to register today. For more information please contact our team at sustainability connect.

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