News + stories

Call for contributions to Conversations

Do you have a story to share in our upcoming Conversations e-Magazine?

Conversations is our bi-annual e-Magazine exclusively for AAEE members. It includes articles, resources, stories and reviews to promote the great work of NSW educators, and inspire, entertain, and inform readers.

Our next edition is out in mid-February and we are looking for contributions! Is there something you’d like to submit?

Submission ideas include:

  • Reflections on a recent project and it’s outcomes
  • Review of a resource or program
  • Projects or ideas from your sector (government, community, formal education – all welcome) or regional news
  • Or, get in touch and suggest another idea 🙂
Final article submissions due to the Editor by 23 January 2019.  Articles should be 500 – 1000 words
Did you know, your organisation can also request to place an advertorial or commercially-related content for a very reasonable fee?
Want to know more?
Contact our Conversations Editor extraordinaire, Angela Colliver at [email protected] to discuss your submission. You can send her your story ideas, or request more information about advertising space and future editions.
We’d love to help promote the great work that’s happening across our membership and the state.
We’re looking forward to hearing what you’ve been up to!

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